
The Mount Sinai Civic is governed by a formalized set of by-laws.  These rules set out the mission and operation of the organization.  The current by-laws below were formally ratified by the Civic membership on December 2, 2019.


Section 1: The name of the association shall be THE MOUNT SINAI CIVIC ASSOCIATION. The group hereinafter shall, in this Constitution and Bylaws, be referred to as THE ASSOCIATION.


Section 1: To promote, protect, encourage, and advance interests, activities, and projects which will improve the area in which we live.

Section 2: To maintain and encourage and interest in activities proposed and actual, of each political unit to which we pay taxes whether it be the fire district, school district, town, county, state, or nation.

Section 3: To communicate approved motions to the appropriate political units mentioned in Article II, Section 2.

Section 4: To serve the community and individual members as an informational resource in matters of concern to the Mount Sinai community such as, but not limited to, zoning, variances, assessments, traffic, lighting, and highway maintenance.

Section 5: To receive voluntary contributions, and to assess and to collect fees, dues, and other payments as may be provided for in the Constitution & Bylaws of The Association.


Section 1: A member must be a resident of voting age and living within the confines of the Mount Sinai School Postal Zip Code.

Section 2:A person applying for membership must complete a Membership Registration Form and pay annual dues for the upcoming calendar year. This may be done either in person at the end of a regularly scheduled civic meeting, by mail or through the website payment platform. Upon receipt of payment, the person becomes a voting member of The Association and may vote at the next scheduled meeting.

Section 3: A voting member may be eligible to cast one vote in person at an Association meeting.

Section 4: When a member’s dues become three months in arrears, the member shall be dropped from the membership and may be reinstated as per Article III Section 2.

Section 5: The paid members at the time of the ratification of this Constitution & Bylaws will be considered to be voting members


Section 1: The officers of The Association shall be: President, Vice-president, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, and Corresponding Secretary, and Membership Secretary. These officers constitute the Executive Committee and shall uphold the Constitution and Bylaws.

Section 2: The term of each office shall be one (1) year.

Section 3: Any member for at least one (1) year prior to the annual meeting may hold office. Elected officials of the political units mentioned in Article II Section 2, are ineligible to hold office. Persons appointed to fill such positions are also ineligible to hold a position on the Civic Executive Committee.

Section 4:  Nominations of officers shall be solicited at the February meeting. Nominees will be announced at the April Meeting.

Section 5: At the April meeting additional nominations will be accepted from the membership. Nominations will be closed by approval of the membership at the April Meeting.

Section 6: The election of officers of The Association shall take place at the Annual Meeting as established in Article VIII Section 2. The duly elected officers shall assume their duties at the beginning of the fiscal tear and be installed at the June meeting.

Section 7: The election shall be by Voice or show of hands. Vote count shall be made by no more than 3 election auditors to be drawn by lottery from those voting members not on the ballot volunteering to serve at the meeting. The Executive Committee has the authority to require paper ballots.

Section 8: An officer who shall, without reasonable excuse, fail to perform the duties of the office or who is absent for three (3) consecutive Association meetings may be removed from that office by a majority vote of the membership present at the meeting or by a majority vote of the Executive Committee. The vacancy can be filled as per Article V Section 1 and Section 2.

Section 9: At the time of ratification of these Constitution & Bylaws officers will serve out the balance of their term of office.


Section 1: The President shall:

a. Preside at the regular, special and executive meetings of the Association.
b. Be an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee.
c. Represent or designate a representative to speak officially for The Association at any meeting deemed necessary to attend.
d. Present the approved motions of The Association to the appropriate forum.
e. Coordinate the activities of the officers and committees to fulfill the objectives and purposes set down in Article II.
f. Sign contracts with the Executive Committee’s approval, countersign checks, and direct an annual  review of the finances of the Association.
g. Accept letters of resignation.
h. Fill vacancies by appointment subject to approval by the Executive Committee.
i. May appoint a Sergeant-At-Arms to serve for the fiscal year as established in Article VII Section 1.

Section 2: The Vice-president shall:

a. Perform the duties of the President in the absence or disability of the President.
b. Assist the President whenever deemed necessary.
c. Assume the office of President in the event it becomes vacant.

Section 3: The Treasurer shall:

a. Receive all moneys due or donated to The Association.
b. Pay all bills contracted by The Association.
c. Draw and cosign checks.
d. Keep a detailed and correct account of the finances of The Association in a ledger.
e. Give a report at every meeting indicating receipts, major expenditures and balances since the previous regular meeting.
f. Prepare an annual report, which will be made available to the membership at the April meeting.
g. Submit all records and accounts for an annual  financial review in April to a review committee of no more than three voting members appointed by the Executive Committee.

Section 4: The Recording Secretary shall:

a. Take minutes of meetings of The Association and Executive Committee.
b. Keep such records in an accessible format.
c. Keep a record of attendance of members.

Section 5: The Corresponding Secretary shall:

a. Attend to the correspondence of The Association as directed by the President.
b. Send notices of meetings to local papers.
c. Notify members of special and emergency meetings by email or regular mail as needed.
e. In conjunction with the Membership Secretary, notify all members in arrears.

Section 6: The Membership Secretary Shall:

a. Keep the membership database current.
b. Notify members three months in arrears of expiration of membership


Section 1: Committees may be formed by an approved motion of the membership or by approval of three (3) members of the Executive Committee

Section 2: The committee members shall consist of voting members who are appointed by the Executive Committee.

Section 3: The purpose of said committees shall be to study and evaluate the specific charge of the committee and to report its findings to The Association.

Section 4: The chair of the committee shall be elected by a majority of members of said committee. The chair of said committee will report on deliberations and progress made by the committee at a regular monthly meeting of The Association.

Section 5: Any members of a committee who shall, without reasonable excuse, fail to perform the duties of the committee or who is absent for three (3) consecutive committee meetings may be removed from that committee and a successor appointed by the President.

Section 6: Committees may be dissolved by an approved motion from the membership or by approval of three (3) members of the Executive Committee.


Section 1: The Fiscal year shall begin on June 1st and end on May 31st.

Section 2: Dues become payable each year on the date of the Annual Meeting in May. Dues may be paid at the end of any meeting or by mail.

Section 3: When a member’s dues become three (3) months in arrears, the member shall be notified.


Section 1: Meetings shall be held on the first Monday of the following months: May, June, September, October, November, December, February, March and April. When an observed holiday falls on the first Monday the meeting will be held on the second Monday.

Section 2: The Annual Meeting shall be held on the first Monday of May

Section 3: Special meetings may be called by the majority of the Executive Committee or by the President. All members shall be notified of the special meeting by email.

Section 4:Ten (10) voting members may present to the Executive Committee a request in writing for an emergency meeting of The Association. The special meeting must be held within fifteen (15) days. The scope of the emergency meeting shall be limited to the stated purpose of the special meeting. All members shall be notified of the special meeting by mail, email, or other format reasonably expected to inform the membership of the special meeting.

Section 5: Notice of meetings shall be sent to local papers and posted within the community where possible.

Section 6: The Executive Committee shall meet as needed.

Section 7: A voting quorum shall consist of ten (10) voting members.


Section 1: The Association may affiliate with any other town, country state or national association for such purposes as may be consistent with the objectives and purposes of The Association


Section 1: The Executive Committee shall be the authority in the interpretation of this Constitution and Bylaws.

Section 2: The most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern this organization in all cases in which they are applicable and in which they are not in conflict with these bylaws.


Section 1: Any member whose action or behavior within the organization is a detriment to or a misrepresentation of The Association is subject to complaint which must be made in writing, signed by the complainant, and submitted to the Executive Committee.

Section 2: A Committee of Investigation and Discipline of not less than three (3) nor more than five (5) voting members shall be appointed by the Executive Committee. No member of the Executive Committee may serve on this committee with the exception of the President who is an ex-officio member.

Section 3: The Committee of Investigation and Discipline shall investigate the complaint(s) by gathering of information, meet with the member or members under investigation, formulate recommendations, and report them to the membership at a regular meeting.

Section 4: If penalties are deemed necessary they, may range from a letter of reprimand to termination of membership. Such penalties must be approved by a voice vote, show of hands or paper ballot of the membership present at a regular meeting.


Section 1: This constitution and Bylaws shall become effective immediately upon ratification by 75% of the members present.

Section 2: This Constitution and Bylaws may be amended be a vote of 75% of the members present at any regular or special meeting of The Association, providing that the call for such meeting shall have contained the text of the proposed amendment(s) to be voted and shall have been emailed to the entire membership and posted to the Association website at least ten (10) days before such meeting.


Section 1: The meetings will start promptly as designated by the Executive Committee.

Section 2: The Order of Business to be followed at meetings shall be:

a. Call to order and salute to the flag
b. Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting
c. Treasurer’s report
d. Report of correspondence
e. Committee reports
f. Unfinished business
g. New business
h. Adjournment
i. Payment of dues and acceptance of membership registration forms

Section 3: Order of Business may be changed at any time at the discretion of the presiding officer.

Revised bylaws adopted December 3, 2012

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